It's coming together ... Finally!

Since I was 16 years old ... all I had was a bunch of random puzzle pieces consisting of scattered ideas and lyrics on yellow lined paper stuffed into bags and boxes and voice memos of song starts on my phone. But now ... after all the years of creating, writing and rewriting, organizing, building and sacrifice ... it's coming together ... finally! 

Finally others are now starting to see what I've only been able to see in my own mind.


Today we're on set with Bunkhouse Studios in Albuquerque, New Mexico shooting the promo video for the fun & fresh country song "Trailer in the Woods"!


Over my lifetime I've performed at strawberry festivals and house concerts. I've performed at parking name it I've played it ... all except for the one I've been working towards ... THE STADIUM ... It has the most room and space for dancing ... I need room to move! 


I've asked myself over the years when times got hard ... why do I keep doing this and I figured it out ...

It's because I was born to do it!

It's who I was created to be and I absolutely LOVE performing, singing and dancing with my friends ... all of us together!

I literally die inside when I can't perform. The light dims and my spirit pouts! 


I feel right at home on stage with my music family. The energy is electric! It's WILD and the best feeling ever! 


I was born with a vision from a young age. Mama told me I jumped up on the table at a diner at 3 years old and started singing "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard to the waitress. That was my first favorite song!

It's the music. I'm addicted. It feels too good to quit and I don't wanna quit! And nobody's gonna make me! ;-)


I have worked diligently and consistently on my career. I have studied. I've watched. I've learned. I've prayed. I've practiced. I've committed. 


I invested in myself 8 years ago by moving to Nashville to become a professional. I learned to write songs. I learned how to run a business. I went to school for music technology and audio engineering so I had the ability to communicate with engineers. I invested every dime I could into new equipment for my home studio so I could lay down tracks without hiring an engineer. 

I have done what is required to become the best at my craft ... but I'm not done. There will always be more to learn and I'm ready and willing! 

Still to this day ... I stand on my back porch like it's center stage and look out into the empty green field behind my apartment and imagine a sea of faces at a concert. I raise my hands, wave and smile at my imaginary audience! lol

I smell the corndogs. I feel the sweat. I see the people singing in unison with their fists in the air waving while the band is jamming and I'm bouncing around on stage to a rollercoaster blues lick! 

I NEED a stage big enough where I can run and jump and twirl around! 

When anyone asks me ... "Ashley Dawn what do you want?"

I don't need nothin' but a good time! How can I resist? It don't get better than this ... barefoot in braids ... dancing on stage with my friends!

You know what I'm sayin'?


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1 comment

I can’t wait to see you up on that big stage either, dancing 💃, singing and twirling! I have come a long way with you. ❤️ It will be so exciting. I’ll be so proud to see you on stage! Hard work pays off.
Love ya Judy

Judy Peirce

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